
The Department of Environmental Sciences ensures that the benefits of its research and academic work extend beyond our department through our dedication to training the next generation of top environmental scientists, our commitment to research relevant to society and policy, and our outreach initiatives that engage policymakers and the broader community.

Specific examples of current and past outreach activities include:

University initiatives

  • Leading members in the Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee
  • Participation in the UVa GIFT Committee

Engagement with policymakers

  • Participation in American Institute of Biological Sciences Congressional Visit Day
  • Presentations to Congressional staff at the American Geophysical Union policy conference
  • Attending annual policy communication workshops held by the Association of Ecosystem Research Center and American Institute of Biological Sciences
  • Building relationships with Federal and State legislators by meetings between graduate students, faculty, and legislators’ offices

Community outreach initiatives

  • EnviroDay annual symposium
  • Participation in “Science Straight Up,” a monthly conversation with a scientist over food and drink
  • Organized “Science Day” hands-on science activities at Johnson Elementary
  • Volunteer at the Lewis and Clark Exploratory Center (in Darden Towe Park)
  • Participation in Streamwatch, The Nature Conservancy, and other Environmental Groups

High school engagement

  • NSF-funded Research Experience for High School (REHS) at the Anheuser-Busch Coastal Research Center pairs local high school students with graduate students for a summer of hands- on research and engagement with environmental science.
  • Community garden science at Charlottesville High School
  • Atmospheric science seminars with students from Albemarle High School
  • Demonstration of meteorological instruments (including temperature sensor, cup anemometer, and particle counter) to students from Western Albemarle High School
  • Weather balloon launch from Western Albemarle High School and Albemarle High School

For more information about outreach within the College of Arts and Sciences, click here.