Charity Nyelele
Assistant Professor
My work lies at the intersection of human well-being and the environment. I am particularly interested in exploring the links between biodiversity, climate change and ecosystem services from an environmental justice and equity lens. My current research focuses primarily on forested systems, especially in urban areas, to assess the impacts of alternative planning and management options on the demand and supply of multiple ecosystem services (including storm water management, air quality improvements, air temperature reductions and carbon storage and sequestration) as well as trade-offs and synergies among these ecosystem services. I also link the ecosystem services and benefits, including health outcomes, to beneficiaries to assess environmental justice and equity issues related to the access and distribution of green spaces and related ecosystem services and benefits along social, cultural, and economic divides. The goal of my work is to inform the development of locally tailored strategies and forest management efforts that address various climate, environmental, and societal concerns, especially for underserved and marginalized communities.
I am recruiting two PhD students to join my research group in Fall 2023. I am also interested in supporting a postdoctoral researcher under the Rising Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowship. If you are interested in working with me on any aspect of urban forestry, ecosystem services, environmental justice or urban socio-ecological synthesis, please send a cover letter with a brief description of a research project you envision working on as well as your Curriculum Vitae to hbt3mb@virginia.edu.
Selected publications
2022; Urban Forestry & Urban Greening; Nyelele, C.| Kroll, C.N. |Nowak, D.
2022; Ecosystem Services; Manley, K.| Nyelele, C.| Egoh, B.N.
2021; PloS one; Egoh, B.N. | Nyelele, C. | Holl, K.D. | Bullock, J.M. | Carver, S. | Sandom, C.J.
2021; Landscape and Urban Planning; Nyelele, C.| Kroll, C.N.
2020; Urban Forestry & Urban Greening; Nyelele, C.| Kroll, C.N.
2019; Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Nyelele, C.| Kroll, C.N. |Nowak, D.
Politics, Science, and Values: Intro to Environmental Thought and Practice (Co-taught with Paul Freedman (ETP and Politics) and Stephen Cushman (English) in Spring 2023)
Management of Forest Ecosystems (Fall 2023)
Environmental and Climate Justice (Fall 2023)