Janet S. Herman
Professor Emerita
My general field of interest is low-temperature aqueous geochemistry, encompassing problems in water-rock interactions, kinetics of geochemical reactions, and evolution of groundwater chemistry in various hydrogeological environments. My research includes elements of field studies, laboratory experimentation, and theoretical modeling. One research project is focused on the fate and transport of bacteria and organic contaminants in groundwater and is a collaborative effort with Messrs. Mills and Hornberger. We are currently investigating the effects of geological heterogeneity in a Coastal Plain deposit on the transport of reactive solutes and bacteria. Another project underway is focused on the fundamental geochemical, hydrological, and microbiological processes influencing the environmental fate of agricultural chemicals in a watershed in Virginia underlain by deeply weathered, fractured limestone. In this project, the colloid-facilitated transport of nutrients and herbicides is being investigated in the unsaturated soil zone. A new project in Florida will use hydrogeological and geochemical models to gain insight into groundwater flow paths and residence times.
- Diel patterns in coastal-stream nitrate concentrations linked to evapotranspiration in the riparian zone of a low-relief, agricultural catchment
2014; Hydrological Processes; Flewelling, S.A. | Hornberger, G.M. | Herman, J.S. | Mills, A.L. | Robertson, W.M. - Adjoint Modeling of Contaminant Fate and Transport in Riverbank Filtration Systems
2014; World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014: Water Without Borders - Proceedings of the 2014 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress; Larbkich, W. | Neupauer, R.M. | Colvin, D. | Bauer, J. | Herman, J. - Biological control on acid generation at the conduit bedrock boundary in submerged caves: Quantification through geochemical modeling | Vpliv bioloških procesov na izvor kislin ob meji med kraškim prevodnikom in matično kamnino v zaliti coni: Kvantitativna ocena na osnovi geokemičnega modeliranja
2013; Acta Carsologica; Herman, J.S. | Hounshell, A.G. | Franklin, R.B. | Mills, A.L. - An approach for collection of Nearfield groundwater samples in submerged limestone caverns | Pristop za zbiranje vzorcev podzemne vode v potopljenih apnenčastih jamah
2013; Acta Carsologica; Mills, A.L. | Tysall, T.N. | Herman, J.S. - Water chemistry in caves
2012; Encyclopedia of Caves; Herman, J.S. - Travel time controls the magnitude of nitrate discharge in groundwater bypassing the riparian zone to a stream on Virginia's coastal plain
2012; Hydrological Processes; Flewelling, S.A. | Herman, J.S. | Hornberger, G.M. | Mills, A.L. - Acidification of Earth: An assessment across mechanisms and scales
2012; Applied Geochemistry; Rice, K.C. | Herman, J.S. - Prediction of nitrate concentration in stream water based on watershed land use and stream flow rate
2009; Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers; Teng, J. | Olson, M. | Gurian, P. | Sofranko, A. | Herman, J. |... - Geochemical investigation of weathering processes in a forested headwater catchment: Mass-balance weathering fluxes
2008; Mineralogical Magazine; Jones, B.F. | Herman, J.S. - Quantifying nitrate flux during storm events
2008; World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008; Herman, J.S. | Mills, A.L. | Hornberger, G.M. | Sofranko, A.C. | Olson, M.S.
Fundamentals of Geology (EVSC 2800)
Studies the composition, structure, and internal processes of earth; the classification, origin, and distribution of earth materials; earth's interior; and the interpretation of geological data for the solution of problems of the natural environment.
Watersheds of Lewis and Clark (EVSC 3880)
Explores geological and hydrological processes that form and modify the landscape of the American West. Following the route of Lewis and Clark, the processes of mountain building, glaciation, flooding, and erosion are studied. Also considered are the human impact on this landscape, particularly through exploitation of mineral and water resources.
Aqueous Geochemistry (EVSC 5870)
Studies the principals of thermodynamics as applied to mineral-water systems. Treatment includes mineral stability, phase diagrams, solution thermodynamics, electrolyte theory, aqueous complex and hydrolysis equilibria, and electrochemical equilibria.
Water-Rock Interactions Seminar (EVSC 7832)
Reading and discussion of the research literature linking hydrological and geochemical processes in the environment.