James N. Galloway
Sidman P. Poole Professor (Emeritus)
My biogeochemical research includes investigations on the natural and anthropogenic controls on chemical cycles at the watershed, regional and global scales. I started first with trace metal biogeochemistry of the coastal ocean, and then expanded to investigations on the increased acidification of the atmosphere, soils and fresh waters. My current research focuses on beneficial and detrimental effects of reactive nitrogen as it cascades between the atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems and freshwater and marine ecosystems. My most recent work examines how to maximize the use of nitrogen for beneficial purposes (i.e., food production), while minimizing its negative impacts on people and ecosystems.
- The nitrogen footprint for an Australian university: Institutional change for corporate sustainability
2018; Journal of Cleaner Production; Liang, X. | Ng, E.L. | Lam, S.K. | Castner, E.A. | Leach, A.M. |... - Reactive nitrogen spatial intensity (NrSI): A new indicator for environmental sustainability
2018; Global Environmental Change; Liang, X. | Lam, S.K. | Gu, B. | Galloway, J.N. | Leach, A.M. |... - Air pollution success stories in the United States: The value of long-term observations
2018; Environmental Science and Policy; Sullivan, T.J. | Driscoll, C.T. | Beier, C.M. | Burtraw, D. | Fernandez, I.J. |... - An integrated approach to a nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) indicator for the food production-consumption chain
2018; Sustainability (Switzerland); Erisman, J.W. | Leach, A. | Bleeker, A. | Atwell, B. | Cattaneo, L. |... - Air pollution success stories in the United States: The value of long-term observation
2018; Renewable Resources Journal; Sullivan, T.J. | Driscoll, C.T. | Beier, C.M. | Burtraw, D. | Fernandex, I.J. |... - How China's nitrogen footprint of food has changed from 1961 to 2010
2017; Environmental Research Letters; Guo, M. | Chen, X. | Bai, Z. | Jiang, R. | Galloway, J.N. |... - Virtual Water as a Metric for Institutional Sustainability
2017; Sustainability (United States); Natyzak, J.L. | Castner, E.A. | D'Odorico, P. | Galloway, J.N. - Observation- and model-based estimates of particulate dry nitrogen deposition to the oceans
2017; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics; Baker, A.R. | Kanakidou, M. | Altieri, K.E. | Daskalakis, N. | Okin, G.S. |... - Ancient water supports today's energy needs
2017; Earth's Future; D'Odorico, P. | Natyzak, J.L. | Castner, E.A. | Davis, K.F. | Emery, K.A. |... - Footprints make an impression
2017; Sustainability (United States); Galloway, J.N.
Resources and the Environment (EVSC 1080)
Explores the impact of people on the environment in the past and present with projections for the future. Addresses the phenomena and effects of food and energy production and industrial processes, including such topics as lead pollution, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and the disposal of radioactive waste. Demonstrates how the environment works in the absence of humans and discusses how human use of resources perturbs the environment.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles (EVSC 4870)
Studies the processes that regulate the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus within and between oceans, continents, and atmosphere.
Nitrogen Seminar (EVSC 5082)
This course aims to provide a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the nitrogen cycle in a seminar format.