Karen C. Rice
Research Assistant Professor
My overall research interest is in watershed biogeochemical processes and identifying the hydrologic drivers of those processes. More specifically, my research focuses on the status and trends of stream flow and stream-water quality in response to stressors, including air pollution, climatic variability, and anthropogenic land-use influences.
- Riverine discharges to Chesapeake Bay: Analysis of long-term (1927–2014) records and implications for future flows in the Chesapeake Bay basin
2017; Journal of Environmental Management; Rice, K.C. | Moyer, D.L. | Mills, A.L. - Rising air and stream-water temperatures in Chesapeake Bay region, USA
2015; Climatic Change; Rice, K.C. | Jastram, J.D. - Decreased atmospheric sulfur deposition across the southeastern U.S.: When will watersheds release stored sulfate?
2014; Environmental Science and Technology; Rice, K.C. | Scanlon, T.M. | Lynch, J.A. | Cosby, B.J. - Comparison of Mineral Weathering and Biomass Macronutrient Uptake in Two Small Forested Watersheds Underlain by Quartzite Bedrock, Catoctin Mountain, Maryland, USA
2014; Aquatic Geochemistry; Rice, K.C. | Price, J.R. - Stream-water temperature limits occupancy of salamanders in mid-atlantic protected areas
2014; Journal of Herpetology; Grant, E.H.C. | Wiewel, A.N.M. | Rice, K.C. - From Headwaters to Coast: Influence of Human Activities on Water Quality of the Potomac River Estuary
2014; Aquatic Geochemistry; Bricker, S.B. | Rice, K.C. | Bricker III, O.P. - Response to L. Land Comment on Bricker, Rice, Bricker (2014) From Headwaters to Coast: Influence of Human Activities on Water Quality of the Potomac River Estuary. Aquatic Geochemistry 20: 291-324
2014; Aquatic Geochemistry; Bricker, S.B. | Rice, K.C. | Bricker III, O.P. - Erratum to: From Headwaters to Coast: Influence of Human Activities on Water Quality of the Potomac River Estuary. (Aquat Geochem, (2014), 20, (291-324), 10.1007/s10498-014-9233-z)
2014; Aquatic Geochemistry; Bricker, S.B. | Rice, K.C. | Bricker III, O.P. - Mass-balance modeling of mineral weathering rates and CO2 consumption in the forested, metabasaltic Hauver Branch watershed, Catoctin Mountain, Maryland, USA
2013; Earth Surface Processes and Landforms; Price, J.R. | Rice, K.C. | Szymanski, D.W. - Assessment of salinity intrusion in the James and Chickahominy Rivers as a result of simulated sea-level rise in Chesapeake Bay, East Coast, USA
2012; Journal of Environmental Management; Rice, K.C. | Hong, B. | Shen, J.