Karen McGlathery
Sherrell J. Aston Professor
My research group focuses on the dynamics of ecosystem change in shallow coastal systems, and the roles of climate, nutrient over-enrichment and species invasions on driving these changes. Current projects include: 1) Blue carbon sequestration in seagrass ecosystems, 2) Seagrass restoration and return of ecosystem services, 3) salt marsh resilience to sea-level rise, 4) ecosystem regime shifts in coastal barrier systems, and 5) impacts of invasive macro algae (Gracilaria). I am the lead PI of the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project on Virginia’s eastern shore, and the Director of UVA’s Environmental Resilience Institute.
- Exploring the impacts of seagrass on coupled marsh-tidal flat morphodynamics
2018; Frontiers in Environmental Science; Carr, J. | Mariotti, G. | Fahgerazzi, S. | McGlathery, K. | Wiberg, P. - Restoration enhances denitrification and DNRA in subsurface sediments of Zostera marina seagrass meadows
2018; Marine Ecology Progress Series; Aoki, L.R. | McGlathery, K.J. - The Science and Policy of the Verified Carbon Standard Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration
2018; Estuaries and Coasts; Needelman, B.A. | Emmer, I.M. | Emmett-Mattox, S. | Crooks, S. | Megonigal, J.P. |... - Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Aquaculture Shifts Sediment Nitrogen Processes toward Mineralization over Denitrification
2018; Estuaries and Coasts; Lunstrum, A. | McGlathery, K. | Smyth, A. - Non-seagrass carbon contributions to seagrass sediment blue carbon
2018; Limnology and Oceanography; Oreska, M.P.J. | Wilkinson, G.M. | McGlathery, K.J. | Bost, M. | McKee, B.A. - Comment on Geoengineering with seagrasses: Is credit due where credit is given?
2018; Environmental Research Letters; Oreska, M.P.J. | McGlathery, K.J. | Emmer, I.M. | Needelman, B.A. | Emmett-Mattox, S. |... - Latitude, temperature, and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass beds across the Northern Hemisphere
2018; Ecology; Reynolds, P.L. | Stachowicz, J.J. | Hovel, K. | Boström, C. | Boyer, K. |... - Push-pull incubation method reveals the importance of denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in seagrass root zone
2017; Limnology and Oceanography: Methods; Aoki, L.R. | McGlathery, K.J. - Seagrass blue carbon spatial patterns at the meadow-scale
2017; PLoS ONE; Oreska, M.P.J. | McGlathery, K.J. | Porter, J.H. - Benthic nitrogen fixation in Zostera marina meadows in an upwelling-influenced coastal lagoon | Fijación bentónica de nitrógeno en praderas de Zostera marina de una laguna costera influenciada por surgencias
2017; Ciencias Marinas; Hernández-López, J. | Camacho-Ibar, V.F. | Macías-Tapia, A. | McGlathery, K.J. | Daesslé, L.W. |...
Global Coastal Change (EVSC 4140)
A comprehensive treatment of global environmental factors affecting coastal marine systems, including climate change, sea-level rise, alterations in freshwater and sediment transport, disturbance and habitat loss, overfishing, alien species, and eutrophication. Includes case studies providing real-world examples, and detailed reviews of the evidence of changes and possible solutions.
Estuarine Ecology (EVEC 4110)
An interdisciplinary course covering the physical, biogeochemical and ecological aspects of coastal estuaries.