Michael L. Pace
W. W. Corcoran Professor of Natural History & Director of Graduate Studies
I am an aquatic ecologist with broad interests in lake, river, and estuarine ecosystems. I currently have research projects focused on: 1) the detection of leading indicators of ecosystem regime shifts using whole-lake manipulations, 2) sources of organic matter for aquaculture in the Virginia Coastal Reserve, 3) the importance of terrestrial organic matter in supporting freshwater aquatic food webs, and 4) the long-term impacts of a zebra mussel invasion in a river ecosystem.
See my Google Scholar Link for my most up-to-date publication list.
Ecosystem Ecology (EVSC 4250/7559)
Study of the flows of energy and the cycling of elements in ecosystems and how these concepts connect the various components of the Earth system
Limnology: Inland Water Ecosystems (EVSC 4290/7290)
This course will focus on lakes, rivers, streams, and reservoirs as ecosystems. The goal of the course is to provide an understanding through lectures and discussions of the main physical, chemical, and biological processes that determine similarities and differences among inland waters. Major human impacts on inland waters will also be considered.
Professional Development (EVSC 7559)