Raymond D. Dueser
Visiting Professor
My research employs a combination of observational, comparative and experimental methods to explore a wide range of subjects on the biogeography, ecology and genetics of mammalian populations. My colleagues and I recently completed a series of studies on non-lethal ways to reduce the impact of over-abundant mammalian predators (i.e., raccoons and red foxes) on under-abundant threatened colonial and beach-nesting waterbirds on the Virginia barrier islands. We are currently analyzing 40 years of data on the distribution, abundance and metapopulation dynamics of small mammals on the islands, with emphasis on local extinction and colonization. Having started my career at UVa, I recently returned to Environmental Sciences as a Visiting Scholar after retiring as Professor Emeritus in Wildland Resources at Utah State University.
Dueser, R. D., J. D. Martin and N. D. Moncrief. In review. Successes and limitations of estrogen-induced conditioned food aversion to eggs in free-ranging raccoons (Procyon lotor). Ecological Applications.
Dueser, R. D., J. D. Martin and N. D. Moncrief. 2018. Pen trial of estrogen-induced conditioned food aversion to eggs in raccoons (Procyon lotor). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 201:93-101.
Moncrief, N. D., J. H. Roberts, E. H. Hallerman, R. A. Van Den Bussche, J. H. Porter and R. D. Dueser. 2017. Landscape genetics of a raccoon (Procyon lotor) metapopulation in an undeveloped coastal island system. Journal of Mammalogy 98:1137-1155.
Porter, J. H., R. D. Dueser and N. D. Moncrief. 2015. Cost-distance analysis of mesopredators as a tool for avian habitat restoration on a naturally fragmented landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:229-234.
Dueser, R. D., N. D. Moncrief, O. Keiss, J. D. Martin, J. H. Porter and B. R. Truitt. 2013. Overwater movement of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in a naturally fragmented coastal landscape. Northeastern Naturalist 20:511-528.