Robert E. Davis
Director of Undergraduate Programs, Professor
The climate at any one location is determined by the temporal progression of synoptic-scale weather events. My research focuses on the temporal and spatial variability of these synoptic-scale systems and their impact upon various environmental parameters, such as air-quality and human health. Current research involves examining how weather and climate influence severe cases of respiratory distress, which can be related to both pollutants and aeroallergens as well as short-term changes in weather conditions. I also investigate the linkages between synoptic-scale and smaller spatial scale phenomena. This research has resulted in climatologies of deep-water waves, stability and long-range transport of pollutants, and severe weather. Finally, I am actively involved in the examination of climate change and variability in the context of synoptic-scale circulation.
Biometeorology and bioclimatology: specifically interactions between weather/climate and human health, with an emphasis on heat mortality, respiratory morbidity and mortality, and possible linkages between climate and influenza. I also do some work on climate and viticulture (phenology and wine quality).
Synoptic climatology: specifically the climatology of large-scale weather systems, their variability and change, particularly in the United States.
Air quality: linkages between near-surface pollutants and synoptic-scale systems with an emphasis on impacts to human health.
- Davis, R.E., Roney, P.C, Pane, M.M., Johnson, M.C., Leigh, H.V., Basener, W., Curran, A.L., DeMarcy, B., Jang, J., Schroeder, C., DeGuzman, P.B., and W.M. Novicoff (2023). Climate and Human Mortality in Virginia, 2005–2020, Science of the Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164825.
- Davis, R.E., Driskill, E.K., and W.M. Novicoff (2022). The Association between Weather and Emergency Department Visitation for Diabetes in Roanoke, Virginia. International Journal of Biometeorology 66, 1589–1597, https:// doi.org/10.1007/s00484-022092303-4 <http://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-022092303-4>
- Lane, M.A., Walawender, M., Brownsword, E.A., Pu, S., Saikawa, E., Kraft, C.S. and R.E. Davis (2022). The impact of cold weather on respiratory morbidity at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta. Science of The Total Environment, 813, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152612
- Liu, X., Grise, K.M., Schmidt, D.F., and R.E. Davis (2021). Regional characteristics of variability in the Northern Hemisphere wintertime polar front jet and subtropical jet in observations and CMIP6 models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(22), e2021JD034876.
- Doede, A.L., Davis, R.E., and P.B. DeGuzman (2021) Use of trajectory models to track air pollution from source to exposure: A methodological approach for identifying communities at risk. Public Health Nursing, 38(2): 212–222.
- Davis, R.E., Markle, E.S., Windoloski, S., Houck, M.E., Enfield, K.B., Kang, H., Balling, Jr. R.C., Kuehl, D.R., Burton, J.H., Farthing, W., Rubio, E.R., and W.M. Novicoff (2020). A comparison of the effect of weather and climate on emergency department visitation in Roanoke and Charlottesville, Virginia. Environmental Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2020.110065.
- Davis, R.E. | Houck, M. | Markle, E. | Windoloski, S. | Enfield, K. B. | Kang, H. | Balling Jr, R.C. | Kuehl, D.R. | Burton, J.H. | Farthing, W. | Rubio, E.R. | Novicoff, W.M (
- Davis, R.E. | Dimon, R.A. | Jones, G.V. | Bois, B. (2019). The effect of climate on Burgundy vintage quality rankings, OENO One, 53(1); | https://doi.org/1o0.20870/oeno-one.2019.53.1.2359
- Davis, R.E. | Hondula, D.M. | Sharif, H. (2019). Examining the diurnal temperature range enigma: why is human health related to the daily change in temperature International Journal of Biometeorology, 1-11; | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-019-01825-8
- Davis, R.E. | Novicoff, W.M. (2018). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, The impact of heat waves on emergency department admissions in Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A
- Davis, R.E. | Dougherty, E. | McArthur, C. | Huang, Q.S. | Baker, M.G. (2016). Cold, dry air is associated with influenza and pneumonia mortality in Auckland, New Zealand, Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses
- Davis, R.E. | Hondula, D.M. | Patel, A.P. (2016). Temperature observation time and type influence estimates of heat-related mortality in seven U.S. cities, Environmental Health Perspecti
EVSC 1300—Earth's Weather and Climate (each spring semester)
EVSC 3300—Atmosphere and Weather (even-numbered fall semesters)
EVSC 4470—Introduction to Climatological Analysis (irregular)
EVSC 4340—Human Biometeorology (irregular)
EVAT 5300—Introduction to Climatology (irregular)
EVCS 7400—Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Environmental Sciences (irregular)