T'ai H. Roulston
Research Associate Professor
My primary research area is plant-pollinator interactions, which I study through field, laboratory, and phylogenetic approaches. These include (i) studies of pollen chemistry to characterize the diversity of pollen nutrient rewards; (ii) phylogenetic analyses to associate shifts in pollen nutrient content with evolutionary shifts in pollination syndrome; (iii) observations of pollinator host choices to determine pollinator assessment of pollen nutrition, and (iv) studies of insect development and body size to assess the potential importance of variation in pollen nutrients. Other research areas include endangered species conservation, habitat fragmentation, foraging behavior, and the impact of exotic species on native organisms.
- The influence of conopid flies on bumble bee colony productivity under different food resource conditions
2018; Ecological Monographs; Malfi, R.L. | Walter, J.A. | Roulston, T.H. | Stuligross, C. | Mcintosh, S. |... - Natural history of Symmetrischema lavernella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): A moth with two feeding strategies and the ability to induce fruit formation in the absence of pollination
2017; Canadian Entomologist; Roulston, T.H. | Cruz-Maysonet, S. | Moorhouse, A.L. | Lee, S. | Emerson, A.N. - The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project
2017; Ecology and Evolution; Hudson, L.N. | Newbold, T. | Contu, S. | Hill, S.L.L. | Lysenko, I. |... - Air pollutants degrade floral scents and increase insect foraging times
2016; Atmospheric Environment; Fuentes, J.D. | Chamecki, M. | Roulston, T. | Chen, B. | Pratt, K.R. - Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biases
2016; Scientific Reports; De Palma, A. | Abrahamczyk, S. | Aizen, M.A. | Albrecht, M. | Basset, Y. |... - Species differences in bumblebee immune response predict developmental success of a parasitoid fly
2015; Oecologia; Davis, S.E. | Malfi, R.L. | Roulston, T.’H. - The PREDICTS database: A global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts
2014; Ecology and Evolution; Hudson, L.N. | Newbold, T. | Contu, S. | Hill, S.L.L. | Lysenko, I. |... - Pollen quality for pollinators tracks pollen quality for plants in Mimulus guttatus
2014; Ecosphere; Yeamans, R.L. | Roulston, T.H. | Carr, D.E. - Inbreeding in Mimulus guttatus reduces visitation by bumble bee pollinators
2014; PLoS ONE; Carr, D.E. | Roulston, T.H. | Hart, H. - Patterns of parasite infection in bumble bees (Bombus spp.) of Northern Virginia
2014; Ecological Entomology; Malfi, R.L. | Roulston, T.H.