To complete the DMP after approval of your proposal by the UGARC, you will need to
- Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.40 across all courses taken since matriculating in the University.
- Complete the research work.
- Complete a report of the work (the thesis) by drafting and revising several versions of the document with your supervising faculty member.
- Upload an electronic copy to the DMP Collab site after your faculty sponsor approves your thesis.
- Defend your research to the UGARC, your faculty supervisor, and any other member of the public who wishes to attend. The defenses will be scheduled in consultation with the Director of the DMP. For May graduation, all defenses will take place on the Reading Day between the last day of classes and the first day of final exams.
Your supervising faculty member (your DMP advisor) will review your total performance in the DMP and provide the UGARC with a letter recommending a level of distinction. The UGARC then will meet, using the information from your advisor and from the thesis and its defense, consider your entire performance in the DMP, major, and College, and provide its final decision to the College Registrar.
The College Registrar’s deadline for graduation is usually two weeks prior to the scheduled graduation date for the given semester (third week of May, second week of August, or first week of January). Thus, the UGARC needs plenty of time to:
- receive and review the thesis;
- schedule their attendance at the defense;
- receive your DMP advisor’s letter recommending level of distinction;
- meet; and
- forward a decision to the College Registrar.
To complete your DMP, you will need to provide a final thesis in the format required by Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. This document (digital is preferred, but velo-bound is acceptable) must be submitted to the Librarian for Life Sciences, Dave Ghamandi, in the Brown Science and Engineering Library. The Librarian will confirm to the Director of the DMP that a document of appropriate format has been received.