Clark Hall

Advancing understanding of the environment through interdisciplinary scientific research & education.


Advancing understanding of the environment through interdisciplinary scientific research & education.

Alaska. Photo captured by Kelcy Kent
Clark Hall

Advancing understanding of the environment through interdisciplinary scientific research & education.


Advancing understanding of the environment through interdisciplinary scientific research & education.

Alaska. Photo captured by Kelcy Kent

Coastal resilience and VA Eastern Shore in UVAToday Illimitable video

Department research on coastal resilience is the focus of a recent video created by UVAToday Illimitable. Professor Karen McGlathery, Research Professor Peter Berg, and Ph.D. student Amelie Berger talk about Virginia’s Eastern Shore, their research, and implications on carbon capture and coastal change. Check out the video at UVAToday Illimitable.

Professor Thomson’s 2017 book, Climate of Capitulation, wins prestigious award from American Publishers’ Association

Professor Vivian Thomson’s 2017 book, Climate of Capitulation: An Insider’s Account of State Power in a Coal Nation (MIT Press), won the honorable mention award in the 2018 PROSE competition, for the Government and Politics category. The PROSE awards, awarded yearly, recognize the very best in professional and scholarly publishing.

Prof. Yang’s SIF system and research on crop photosynthesis published in JGR-B

Department of Environmental Sciences Professor Xi Yang is a coauthor on a study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences. The study used the sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) system designed by Prof. Yang to continuously monitor soybean photosynthesis. The increased understanding of the connection between SIF and photosynthesis at the local scale is an important advance towards monitoring photosynthesis globally in real-time using satellite based SIF measurements.

Climate art: let’s get it right – An exhibit of words on paper by UVA’s @writeclimate

Since February, @writeclimate engaged over 1200 members of the UVA community in a conversation on climate change. On pieces of paper, they all wrote a piece of our shared climate story— the history of climate science and policy, why we care about climate change, and what we are doing about it. From the paper, students have created art. The show opens at the amphitheater on April 16th at noon. April 17th-23rd you can visit the show in Clark Hall.

Grad student Roe and UVA team win Patagonia Case Competition

Envi Sci graduate student Stephanie Roe was a part of the UVA team that won this year’s Patagonia Case Competition. The competition had 108 submissions on the topic of how to make Patagonia a carbon-neutral company by 2025. UVA was selected first as one of 10 finalists, presenting its winning proposal at the UC-Berkeley Haas School of Business on April 20th.


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