Elizabeth Jackson Lauded for Her Contribution to A&S Staff Senate
We're lucky to have you Elizabeth!
Prof. David Carr Awarded Distinguished Scholar Award by the University's Distinguished Office of Engagement
Woop woop! Congrats :]
Graduate Student Hannah Mast interviewed by AGU's Medical Xpress on Natural Gas Pipeline Compressor Station Emissions
In the News: Professors Berg and Miller and Graudate Students Luke Groff, Santiago Munevar Garcia, and Ziwen Guo on Seagrass Bed Carbon Sequestration
Professor David Carr in National Geographic on Saving the Ginko Tree
In the News -- Professor Matt Reidenbach on Bolstering Coastal Reef Resiliency
Meg Miller, Lucy Anderson, and Judy Masi are recognized for 25, 30, and 30 years of service (respectively) to UVA!
Thank you for making this house a home <3
Meg Miller, Lucy Anderson, and Judy Masi are recognized for 25, 30, and 30 years of service (respectively) to UVA!
Prof. Manuel Lerdau Interviewed by NASA on STELLA, a DIY Educational Gadget for Measuring Plant Health
Cool stuff Manuel!