UVA's 2022 Research Achievement Awards Celebrates Four Members From EnviSci: Profs Simkins, Reidenbach, McGlathery, and Doney
Ph.D. Candidate Spencer Tassone selected to attend symposia for top new researchers in ecological oceanography and limnology
Spencer Tassone was selected to attend the Ecological Dissertations in the Aquatic Sciences (Eco-DAS; pronounced eco-days) symposia this coming March in Honolulu, HI. This symposia is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography; and seeks to bridge interdisciplinary gaps in aquatic ecology. Key elements of the symposia include:
In the News - Spencer Tassone quoted in Chesapeake Bay Journal on Ecological Implications of Increasing Riverine Heatwaves
The Chesapeake Bay Journal wrote a story (linked here) about a recent Chesapeake Bay Program - Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) report entitled Rising Watershed and Bay Temperatures - Ecological Implications and Management Responses.
In the News - Howie Epstein Quoted in USA Today on Plant Sequestration of Excess CO2
In the News - Max Castorani on Extinct Sea Cows & Kelp Forest Resiliency
Max Castorani was interviewed by Mongabay, a nonprofit environmental science and conservation news platform, for an article about a new study investigating how the extinct Stellar's sea cow may have affected the resilience of kelp forests!
Ph.D. Candidate Spencer Tassone receives Rath Public Service Focused Research Award
In the News - Kathleen Schiro et al. on the Critical Role of High Clouds and Projected Global Heating
Ph.D. Candidate Spencer Tassone in Cavalier Daily on Riverine Heatwaves
The UVA Cavalier Daily News wrote a story (linked here) about a recent publication by Environmental Sciences Ph.D. candidate Spencer Tassone and Professor Michael Pace. The story covers Tassone and Pace's work on the increasing frequency of riverine heatwaves throughout the United States.