In the News - Kathleen Schiro et al. on the Critical Role of High Clouds and Projected Global Heating
Ph.D. Candidate Spencer Tassone in Cavalier Daily on Riverine Heatwaves
The UVA Cavalier Daily News wrote a story (linked here) about a recent publication by Environmental Sciences Ph.D. candidate Spencer Tassone and Professor Michael Pace. The story covers Tassone and Pace's work on the increasing frequency of riverine heatwaves throughout the United States.
In the News - Ami Riscassi in Earth Island Journal on Addressing Water Quality through via Mercury Analysis inin Dragonfly Larave
In the News - John Porter Quoted in Washington Post on Eastern Sea Level Rise
New paper by Ph.D. candidate Yuan Li and Assistant Professor Ajay Limaye tests predictions for river migration
A new open-access paper focusing on evaluating predictions for the migration of meandering rivers has been published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. A model testing framework was developed to compare field observations and model predictions for channel migration of seven rivers from the Amazon Basin and 103 rivers in the continental US. Results of this study provide a pathway to further improve models for channel migration.
In the News - $60M Awarded to ERI--Spearheaded by Professors McGlathery & Band
In the News - Professor Simkins' Group Studies Crucial Thwaites Glacier
The University of Virginia has collaborated on new underwater research that has found something additionally disturbing about the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica – aka the “Doomsday Glacier,” so named because it holds the fate of our coastline in the balance as it acts as a gateway to the larger West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Grad student interviewed on Fox Weather
Ph.D. candidate Spencer Tassone was interviewed live on Fox Weather about his recent publication on the increasing frequency of heatwaves in streams and rivers of the United States (paper link / interview link).