

MS in Geospatial Analysis from the University of Mary Washington. Research interests include studying the environmental factors that drive the spatial characteristics of plants and animals across a landscape.


Allie, a Blandy Research Fellow, graduated in 2016 from Duke University with a B.S. in Environmental Sciences and a minor in Biology. Her past university lab research has explored positive marine species interactions, fish behavior in the changing habitats of Queensland, Australia, and the interplay between carbon sequestration and land use. Allie also served as a Stanback Agroecology Intern with the Union of Concerned Scientists studying the benefits of integrated crop-livestock systems and as an Intern with the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, both in Washington, DC.


Kelcy double-majored in Biology with a concentration in conservation and Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia and went on to complete a masters in coastal marine ecology and mangrove genetics with Jay Zieman and Howard Epstein at UVA. Her work focused on assessing genetic diversity in mangroves along the Gulf Coast, particularly noting range-expansion populations in comparison to historical, within-range populations, with possible future implications for habitat shifts in the black mangrove species along the Gulf.


I study supporting ecosystem services in three land-use types under different levels of human management at Blandy Experimental Farm. The purpose of my research is to analyze properties, processes, and functions of these land-use types to evaluate the relative levels of supporting services they provide. By then considering the cost of human management in each land-use type, the overall benefits of the ecosystem services can be compared to improve land-use decision-making.



I study vegetation-climate interactions in the context of climate change. My research work includes spatial ecology, plant physiology, remote sensing, and climate change. Specifically, I am interested in the climatic controls on vegetation photosynthesis and related plant functioning, the feedbacks of vegetation to the climate, and the impact of climate change on vegetation phenology.


My major research interest has been the development of an individual-based theory of vegetaton dynamics. The focus of the research is to examine how basic physiological and morphological constraints operating at the level of the individual plant influence pattern and process at higher levels of organization (i.e., populations, communities and ecosystems). This interest has led me to pursue a variety of studies to address the mechanisms of plant pattern across a wide range of scales.


Areas of interest include the physiology and ecology of planktonic communities, including predator-prey relationships, trophic interactions at intermediate levels within the food chain, planktonic larval recruitment processes, and the dynamics of gelatinous macrozooplankton.

Recent activity has also focused on the oxygen/nutrient dynamics within Chesapeake Bay, nekton dynamics in tidal freshwater and barrier island environments, as well as innovative ways to transfer scientific information to policy and decision makers.


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