Post-Docs, Research, and Visiting Scientists


Valentina did her PhD at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (found in collaboration with MIT) in 2022 on destabilization of gas hydrates in permafrost due to natural and technogenic salt solution. She joined the department in Spring 2024 as a Postdoctoral Research Associate and also she is a UVA Environmental Institute Climate Fellow under the supervision of prof. Howard Epstein.


Swatah joined the department in Fall 2023 after completing his PhD at Cornell University. Swatah’s PhD thesis involved reconstructing extreme precipitation and atmospheric rivers based on tree-ring based moisture proxies across the Western US and studying associated projected changes in patterns of atmospheric circulation under climate change in the context of past variability suggested by the paleo record. Swatah is a UVA Environmental Institute Climate Fellow co-advised by Prof.


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